Frequently Asked Questions

So you have some questions. Let’s get into them; So here’s a quick run down of the some of the most common questions we get… along with our answers. If you still have a question, don’t hesitate to contact us (or give us a call) and we’ll be happy to answer it for you.

Q:  Will you be listing my house on the MLS or actually buying it?
A:  Good question. We’re not real estate agents so we don’t list houses. We are real estate investors and we buy houses in Los Angeles that meet our purchasing criteria. From there we may repair the house and keep it as a rental ourselves or resell it to another homeowner.

Q:  Do you pay fair prices for properties?
A:  We pay homeowners the highest possible value we can offer but many of the houses we purchase are below market value. This is due to a couple things. First, we have to account for all the expenses after we’ve purchased the property including rehab and holding costs. Second, we’re in the business of rehabbing homes and selling them on the market at retail. It’s how we pay the bills.

However, in our experience, many sellers appreciate that we can offer cash, can close very quickly (no waiting for financing), and no time or effort or expense is required on your part of fix up the property or pay agent fees. If that’s what you’re looking for and you see the value in getting your house sold fast, we’d love the opportunity to see if we are able to work out a price that works for both sides. Besides, if by any chance you do not want to move forward you don’t have to – all our offers are no-obligation to give you peace of mind.

DOWNLOAD our free guide that walks you through the Pros and Cons (plus the cost and timeline) of selling your house to a real estate investor… plus learn the pros, cons, and costs of the other two alternatives… listing with an agent or selling it yourself.

Head on over here download your free guide →

Q:  How do you determine the price to offer on my house?
A:  Great question. We’re fully transparent about our straightforward process: We look at the location of the property, what repairs are needed, the current condition of the property, and values of comparable houses sold in the area recently. As you know, house values have started to go down in the past few months due to higher interest rates. We take many pieces of information into consideration… and come up with a fair price that works for us and works for you too.

Q:  Are there any fees or commissions to work with you?
A: This is what makes us stand out from the traditional method of selling your house: There are NO fees or commissions when you sell your house to us. We’ll make you an offer, and if it’s a fit then we’ll buy your house (and we’ll often pay for the closing costs too!). No hassle. No fees. We make our money after we pay for repairs on the house (if any) and sell it for a profit (we’re taking the risks here on whether we can sell it for a profit or not, once we buy the house from you… the responsibility is ours and you walk away without the burden of the property and its payments… and often with cash in your hand).

Q:  How are you different from a real estate agent?
A: Real estate agents list properties and hope that someone will buy them. The agent shows the properties to prospective buyers if there are any (the average time to sell a property in many markets right now is 6-12 months) and then take a percentage of the sale price if they find a buyer. Oftentimes, the agent’s commission is 3-6% of the sale price of your house (so if it’s a $100,000 house, you’ll pay between $3,000 – $6,000 in commissions to an agent). Agents provide a great service for those that can wait 6-12 months to sell and who don’t mind giving up some of that sale price to pay for the commissions. But that’s where we’re different: We’re not agents, we’re home buyers. Our company actually buys houses. We don’t list houses. Since we’re actually the one buying the house from you, and we pay with all cash… we can make a decision to buy your house within a couple of days (sometimes the same day). Again, we make our living by taking the risk to buy the house with our own cash, repair the house, and market it ourselves to find a buyer (which is the hard part in this market).

Q:  Is there any obligation when I submit my info?
A: There is absolutely zero obligation for you. Once you tell us a bit about your property, we’ll take a look at things, maybe set up a call with you to find out a bit more, and make you an all-cash offer that’s fair for you and fair for us. From there, it’s 100% your decision on whether or not you’d like to sell your house to us… and we won’t hassle you, won’t harass you… it’s 100% your decision and we’ll let you decide what’s right for you.

Want To See What We Can Buy Your House For?

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Learn The Pros and Cons Of Selling Your House To Local Professional Home Buyer– FREE Guide: 

Download our FREE Guide here. Or, you can always feel free to Contact us anytime if you have questions, want a no hassle Situation Evaluation, or want to just learn more about how we can help homeowners sell unwanted properties for cash.

Get the FREE Guide and then give us a call at (562) 554-7909 and we’ll discuss what your home is worth and what we can offer to buy it for with our Cash Offer Program.

Call Us!